Crying african woman sitting on bed next to sleeping man

No Fear Dentistry’s treatment of snoring and sleep apnea

The dental office may seem a curious place to treat snoring and sleep apnea. But, as experts in oral anatomy and function, No Fear Dentistry is the right place in Madison and Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, to resolve disruptive snoring and dangerous sleep-disordered breathing. You can count on our sleep study and sleep apnea to lead Mike to assist in managing these conditions, which can have a significant impact on your quality of life and overall health.

Don’t “sleep on” snoring.

When you sleep, the tissues and muscles in your mouth and throat naturally relax. As this occurs, the airway narrows. This process increases airflow velocity, and, in turn, the soft palate, uvula, and other tissues vibrate. It is this vibration that produces the snoring sound. While all of us will likely snore at some point, snoring may be secondary to conditions such as sleep apnea. This condition is marked by interruptions in breathing due to a blocked airway.

Snore problem concept. Man in bed snoring and sleeping
Illustrations showing difference between normal breathing and obstructive sleep apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common type. It is characterized by continual disruptions in breathing while asleep. These interruptions last for 10 seconds or longer, occurring throughout the night. Those with this condition often tell us that they never seem to feel rested despite being in bed for the recommended eight-plus hours each night. In addition to chronic sleeplessness and fatigue, those with OSA are at increased risk of developing a range of systemic conditions that affect quality of life and overall health, including:

  • Irritability and mood disturbances
  • Obesity
  • Cognitive decline or dementia
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke

A lack of proper and consistent oxygenation through the night takes a considerable toll on the body’s tissues, systems, and organs. So, getting a correct diagnosis and effectively and promptly treating the underlying problem is critical. No Fear Dentistry can help diagnose the problem at hand and provide an appliance to assist with breathing during the night. The device we provide repositions the jaw forward preventing any apneas while soft tissues relax during the night.    

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ, joint of the lower jaw) and the ear canal. The physician indicates on the mandibular joint or human ear bone canal as the source of the symptom, pain or illness

We welcome your questions and encourage you to contact one of our two Madison, WI, area offices today if any of this hits home for you or a family member. Our Madison office may be contacted at (608) 836-5700. Or, if our Sun Prairie office is more convenient, please call (608) 837-4880.